Participatory Design Experience Engaging Everyday Citizens in Conversations Around Urban Planning
Haven-Stad is the latest urban development in Amsterdam, and this exhibition brings it right to your dining room. Haven-Stad Dinner Table Conversation is an immersive exhibition that invites visitors to sit at the dinner table and see how their daily lifestyle choices can impact the view right outside their window. Each snack represents a different lifestyle choice. Participants are encouraged to fill their plates and observe how the view outside changes as they discuss future aspirations for Haven-Stad with their neighbours.
Hugo Plazas
Akhil Sukumaran
Civic IXD
5 Weeks
The Challenge
Urban developers have partnered with Architecture Centre Amsterdam (ARCAM) to inform the local population of an upcoming neighbourhood. We were tasked with the challenge of creating a way of engaging future citizens in conversations around this upcoming development. Focusing on how energy transitions will shape the future of urban living in the Netherlands.
The Problem
Many similar projects showcasing urban development plans in the past utilised maps as a method of communication. While these visualizations are a great tool for architects and developers, the average visitor may find it difficult to understand complex maps and diagrams. If we want future residents to share their opinions it is imperative that we provide visuals that are intuitive and accessible.
Aligning With Stakeholders
This project required us to consider many different stakeholders. Urban developments require listening to many voices such as architects, government officials, current occupants, construction workers and many more. While we tried to consider all possible stakeholders our main focus was on stakeholders who held a direct involvement with the project.
This included the wide audience of potential future residents and the current urban developers on the Haven-Stad project. We spoke with Arjan Klok, the senior urban planner for Haven-Stad to gain his perspective and focused on creating an accessible experience that any average citizen could engage with and enjoy.
Ideating Relatable and Engaging Design Interventions
We explored multiple different interactive ways for future citizens to participate in conversations around Haven-Stad. We always framed our design interventions around relatable topics in connection to daily life such as food and everyday habits. Techniques involving gamification and participatory design proved to be the most engaging in early explorations.
We regularly spoke with future citizens to gage their interest and presented promising concepts at stakeholder meetings.
User Testing Towards a Refined Experience
In order for participatory design to be successful, it must be engaging. With so many moving parts to our experience, paper prototyping became a useful tool for testing with real users. The results of every test allowed us further refine the experience without wasting resources on higher fidelity products.
Visualizing the Process with a Shared Storyboard
With our idea refined, it was important to create a clear storyboard that all of us could refer to. There was a lot to be done in order to develop this project and, in order to accomplish it in the given time frame, we had to divide tasks. We created this storyboard to serve as a reference while we all split up to work in pairs or on individual tasks.
A Setting to Spark Conversation
Shying away from traditional visualization techniques, we created an immersive space that encourages visitors to express their opinions and actively participate in conversations. To achieve this, we chose a familiar, conversational environment: The Dinner Table. By changing the perspective of traditional maps to something more personal, participants can visualize what Haven-Stad could look like from right outside their own dining room window.
We designed an interactive experience where our participants or "neighbours" would sit at the dinner table with a digital "window" next to them. The view from the window overlooks Haven Stad in its current form - a port-side industrial area in Amsterdam. The window also serves as a host, providing guidance and instruction throughout the experience.
Using Participatory Design to Bring Out Personal Opinions
The dinner table is set with four trays representing a question about lifestyle habits. Each tray is filled with a variety of snacks to choose from; but at this dinner table ever snack is a choice about your daily lifestyle. Neighbours are prompted to consider each question and fill their plates with the snacks that best represent their preferred lifestyle.
Compromise and Conflict as Tools for Collaboration
After everyone has filled their plates, the view outside transforms to show the future version of Haven-Stad that best represents the collective lifestyle choices of all the neighbours. Everyone’s opinion at the dinner table is important but, there is only one Haven-Stad. While some participants may be able to build their ideal version of Haven-Stad, others may not agree.
From a tech-forward metropolis to an community-driven neighbourhood, the host will explain the ups and downs of the chosen future scenario. Neighbours are able to see how their personal choices match up with the group’s decision and are even given a glimpse into what their personal future Haven-Stad would have looked like. This presentation was the catalyst to spark conversation as neighbours shared their opinions on the future of Haven-Stad.
Continue the Experience at Home
The mobile companion app allows participants to scan their phone at the end of the experience and learn more about their future scenario. Users can dive deeper into the future they created and learn about the positives and negatives of living in this version of Haven-Stad. It encourages participants to get their voices heard while allowing urban planners to keep track of and incorporate the opinions of residents in future plans.